Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Short Open Letter: to the Sunoco at the Corner

Dear Sunoco at the Corner:

You are a convenient store and this isn’t fucking Portland. You can stay open past 9pm. I am now blacklisting you for good.

(Can we still use the word “blacklist,” or has the been buried too? )

Either way: For Good.


(P.S.—and I usually am against “p.s.’s”—In reading this, please disregard the previous post that had something of an anti-convenience slant. I am a self-admitted and self-accepted hypocrite. Though I only admit this when it is convenient for me and to do so now would be inconvenient, thus please ignore the previous sentence as well. [One which makes me an even further hypocrite, but to which I no longer care to defend myself.] Thanks.)

(P.S.S.—and I know, I’m being a hypocrite on my anti-p.s.’ing—what would the P.C. form of blacklisting be? Any ideas? Get back to me. I know you can do so quickly because you don’t stay open past 9:00 and so probably have some free time at night.)

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